The cure for unwanted weather is immersion. You envisioned a scenic drive to New Hampshire but woke to interminable drizzle? Snap pictures from the driver’s seat as you zoom up I-93.
The blaze of autumn is only snuffed out if you don’t show up to see it.
If it is not truly pouring, ride your bike to school anyway. You’ll be much happier than you were when you sat inside looking at the curmudgeonly sky. The soppy earth and the dying leaves will fill your nostrils and you’ll feel indelibly alive.
At lunchtime, you’ll text your amiable fiancé, Rain be damned! Let’s go apple picking this afternoon. The whole orchard will be yours.
Damp fruit will litter the ground. The rain kept others inside, but you feel hardly a drop the whole time.
Your hair grows unusually fluffy.
Your tights grow a little wet.
You stop to snap a picture of the emu. Emus don’t have the option of staying indoors. You wonder if you’re really so much better off.
Warm and dry at David’s place, you’ll snuggle Gus the cat. You’ll be glad you’re not an emu.
I like this plan. 🙂 Had a drizzley little adventure today myself, and it was lovely, despite being completely accidental!
Yay! Good to hear from you, dear Lauren!
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